Safeguarding IoT: 4 Ways for Application Security Testing

IoT Applications and their use increase significantly in this pandemic situation. These application serves better when the world freezes with lockdown and other restrictions. A lot of people including nontech savvy people widely using IoT applications in their daily life.some other way they are forced to use this application for their daily needs. This increase in use and its strong user database attract hackers and looters to the IoT security loopholes. So security threats affect both IoT providers and their users.

Why IoT Devices Face Security Issues?

Many IoT applications are vulnerable to security threats. Why did this happen? Many of the IoT applications are developed by start-ups. For cost-effectiveness, they may neglect the security standards and protocols usually following. it is very difficult to improve the security standards if it is with the major modules and change may require a huge effort. so it is very important to follow the security standard during the development process itself.

What should be the action plan for ensuring IoT safety?

IoT providers should follow some security measures in order to assure the safety of both application and their users. Let’ see some ways Security Testing can fight IoT insecurities.

4 ways Application Security Testing can fight IoT insecurities

1. Restrict the access in unsupported devices/Softwares.

It is very important to identify the devices where IoT application not works well or having security threats. It is very common to have security threats in old devices with old software. after identifying these devices need to isolate these devices ie. accessing the applications should be restricted. This step makes a sensible impact on the security of the IoT applications. This should be a continuous process, need to add more devices to the restricted list when time passes.

2. Run the security scan using Automated tools.

A lot of security scan applications available in the market even trustable open source tools like ‘Open Web Application Security Project® (OWASP)’ is available. Security threats like injections, Security Misconfigurations, Insufficient Logging, and Monitoring.. are easily identifying with these automated security scans.

3. Follow the security standard during development.

It is very important to follow the security standard of the industry during the development phases. Developers should access the vulnerabilities during the initial stage of the project itself. There should be proper documentation and it should be updated in a timely manner. Use good encryption methods for data transfer.

4. Continuous monitoring of the applications.

Continuous monitoring of the application helps to identify the security attack attempts and breach attempts. So immediate action can be taken after getting the security alerts from the monitoring systems.


Improving the security standard of IoT applications is very much important nowadays. Implementing more security standards to these applications gives more confidence and security to its users. Improving application security is only a proactive approach to security threats. Implementing the above steps grants some protection to the IoT applications.

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